How Can You Help? The Asylum Seeker in your Church

Among those seeking sanctuary in the UK, there are Christians fleeing persecution because of their faith. They will seek out a church that meets their needs. There may be others who are Christians, but whose asylum claim is not due to their religion. Still others will be seeking for a different religion from the one that had blighted their country of origin and caused so much strife and hatred.

Then there will be some who are just seeking a better life, and may be wondering if the Christian God has anything to offer.

What will they find if they come to your church?

Will they understand what is going on? How can you help them, if they have language problems? Is your service culturally relevant? Is it enough to throw in an occasional chorus in Swahili? How can they learn the basics of Christianity, if they are seeking? Has anyone explained the way your church does things, whether that’s the sacraments in a Catholic church or prophecies in a Pentecostal church?

The Quick Guide to being a refugee friendly church will help you explore some of the issues.